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Common Furnace And Heating Issues To Watch Out For

5 Common Furnace and Heating Issues to Watch Out For

A furnace is an essential part of any home’s heating system, especially in areas with cold climates. It provides warmth and comfort to homeowners during the chilly winter months.

However, like any other household appliance, a furnace may develop issues that can disrupt its efficiency and performance. In this article, we’ll discuss five common furnace and heating issues homeowners should watch out for.

1) Dirty Filters

Dirty filters are one of the most common problems that homeowners face with their furnace. Over time, dust, dirt, and other debris accumulate on the filters, reducing the airflow and causing the furnace to work harder than necessary. This, in turn, can lead to higher energy bills and premature wear and tear on the furnace.

To prevent this issue, homeowners should inspect and clean their furnace filters regularly. Depending on the type of filter, it may need to be replaced every month or every three months. Homeowners should also make sure that the filter is the correct size for their furnace.

2) Thermostat Malfunctions

The thermostat is the control center of the furnace, and any malfunction can cause issues with the heating system. For example, if the thermostat is not calibrated correctly, it may cause the furnace to produce too much or too little heat. This can result in discomfort for the homeowners and higher energy bills.

To avoid this issue, homeowners should check their thermostat regularly to make sure it’s functioning correctly. They should also ensure that the thermostat is in an appropriate location, away from direct sunlight or other sources of heat.

3) Ignition or Pilot Control Problems

The ignition or pilot control is responsible for lighting the furnace’s burners. If it’s not functioning correctly, it can cause the furnace to fail to heat properly or not at all. This can be caused by a variety of issues, such as a faulty thermocouple or a clogged pilot orifice.

Homeowners can prevent ignition or pilot control problems by having their furnace inspected and maintained regularly by a professional. A qualified technician can identify and repair any issues before they cause significant problems.

4) Frequent Cycling

If a furnace turns on and off frequently, it’s known as short cycling. This can be caused by a variety of issues, such as a dirty filter, a malfunctioning thermostat, or a faulty flame sensor. Short cycling not only reduces the furnace’s efficiency but also puts extra strain on the system, which can lead to premature wear and tear.

To prevent frequent cycling, homeowners should have their furnace inspected and maintained regularly. They should also make sure that their furnace is the correct size for their home and that it’s installed and positioned correctly.

5) No Heat

If a furnace fails to produce any heat, it can be a significant problem, especially in areas with cold climates. This issue can be caused by a variety of issues, such as a malfunctioning thermostat, a faulty pilot light, or a broken blower motor.

Homeowners can prevent this issue by having their furnace inspected and maintained regularly by a professional. They should also make sure that their furnace is the correct size for their home and that it’s installed and positioned correctly.


A furnace is an essential part of any home’s heating system, and it’s essential that homeowners watch out for any issues that may arise. By understanding the common furnace and heating issues, homeowners can take steps to prevent them from occurring and ensure that their furnace is running efficiently and effectively.

If you’re in need of affordable heating services, CG Heating & Cooling has you covered. Our team of experts is ready to provide you with the best quality service at an affordable price. Contact us now to schedule an appointment to keep your home well-insulated.