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HVAC Duct Cleaning Services

CG Heating and Cooling offers a full range of HVAC services to residential customers located in Castle Rock, Colorado and beyond.

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HVAC Duct Cleaning Services in Castle Rock, CO

Ventilation systems are often the biggest culprit in poor indoor air quality. Make it a priority to inspect the duct work of your home or business.

If your HVAC has been operating for some time without attention, it could be circulating odors, dust and other contaminates.

CG Heating & Cooling are Castle Rock Duct Cleaning Professionals who are available to routinely inspect the heating, ventilation and air conditioning unit (HVAC) at your home or business.  We serve Castle Rock, Colorado and surrounding communities including the Westminster & Douglas County (Castle Rock, Parker, Highlands Ranch) as well.  Keeping your HVAC system clean can extend the life of the equipment. This can in turn save you money and give you cleaner air to breathe.

However, heating and cooling is not always necessary. We will make recommendations about the best way to address any indoor air quality concerns. This can save you money and provide peace of mind on the health of your system.

HVAC Duct Cleaning Castle RockThe benefits of servicing your HVAC unit include:

  • Helps to restore peak energy efficiency.
  • May help to eliminate offensive odors.
  • Helps reduce the potential for mold growth.

How to Clean an Outside Air Conditioner Unit

Imagine your body is wrapped in a fuzzy, wool blanket on a sizzling summer day. The wool blanket prevents heat in your body from escaping, causing your body to overheat.

Sounds horrible, right?

But your air conditioner goes through this same struggle every year when it gets covered in leaves, dust and dirt. And it’s costing you money.

Here’s why.

Its job is to release heat the refrigerant absorbed from your indoor air.

But if the outside unit’s condenser coils (what the refrigerant flows through) are covered in dirt, it can’t release the heat. Just like how your body couldn’t release the heat when wrapped in the wool blanket.

So the air conditioner needs to run longer to cool your home. You spend more money. And the air conditioner risks overheating—leading to a breakdown on the hottest day of the year.

So here’s how to prevent all that by cleaning the outside unit.

How to Clean the Air Conditioner’s Outside Unit

Tools you’ll need:

  • Air conditioner coil cleaner (Follow your air conditioner manufacturer’s recommendations when selecting a cleaning agent.)
  • Water hose with sprayer
  • Gloves and eye protection

Follow these steps:

  1. Find the electrical disconnect (a metal box) near your outside unit.
  2. Open the electrical disconnect and find the switch that turns off the air conditioner. This may be a pull out switch or a circuit breaker type switch. Turn the switch to the “off” position.
  3. Use the water hose spray to clean off loose debris (grass, leaves, etc) on the outside unit.
  4. Spray the outside unit with the coil cleaner.
  5. Wait 10-15 minutes as the cleaner foams and bonds with the dirt on the coils.
  6. Rinse the coil cleaner off with the hose.

Do this at least once a year, preferably during spring.

Want to Keep Your Air Conditioner Super Energy Efficient?

Cleaning the air conditioner’s outside unit is just one of many tasks that need to be done to maintain your system’s energy efficiency.

Check out our maintenance checklist to see everything we do during a maintenance visit. This includes cleaning your outside unit, if you don’t have the time to do it yourself.

Keep Your HVAC System in Top Shape with Regular Maintenance

You put in the effort to keep up the quality of life you and your family deserve. Skipping regular AC maintenance or furnace maintenance can result in expensive repairs and high energy bills. But with CG Heating & Cooling, you can wave goodbye to those concerns.

Our yearly maintenance plan provides the essential care your heating and cooling system requires. On top of that, you’ll get:

10% Discount on Parts & Labor
Priority Repair Service
No Diagnostic Fee

Sign up online now for a more stress-free and comfortable home.

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